1. We have improved our benchmark selection for all analytics screen where you can search for any index on the top right of any funds, stock, or portfolio analytics screen instead of selecting from large lists. This should make it easier for you to change benchmarks.
2. We now show Historical SEBI Category Averages in several places. These have been created by saving the historical one day return average across all funds in each SEBI category. These one-day returns are then used to create an index on-the-fly starting at 100 for any given start date. You can find historical category averages at several places within the application:
a. Any analytics screen’s benchmark selection box – please use the NGEN tab.
b. Funds->Category Averages – please use the provided chart icon to see historical category averages. Please note that the latest category averages shown in this section show the average of the latest stats of all current funds only and not the average of the historical series which considers older funds.
c. Compare-Main list. You can add any SEBI category’s historical average to your compare list by searching in the input box provided.
3. In Funds->Screener, you can now add the Top 50 funds (based on your current sort) directly to the Compare section in one click.
4. In Funds->Screener, you can now load all screener data as of historical Month-ends. We have updated the last three month-ends and will continue to update every month end going forward.
5. All PDF files now have the option of being password protected. Please leave the password field empty if you do not want to use this feature.
6. The Compare section now has a new tab called Drawdowns. This shows you the top 5 drawdowns, including length of drawdown and recovery for all funds in your list in one place. You can also click on the chart icon to see complete drawdowns (including a chart view) for any of the items in the compare list.
7. We have moved a few functions to Tools – which are now always available on the top of the application just below the header panel as ‘Launch Tools’ – which always open in a new tab. Our current tools are Statement Analyser, SIP and the newly released SWP.
8. We have released a new tool that lets you run SWP analysis on any given funds, stock, or index. Like the SIP tool, there are detailed charts, excel downloads and two PDF downloads available.
9. We have included a weighted probability return to rolling analysis. These are available when running rolling analysis in the Compare section and individual analytics for funds, stocks, and portfolios. This is calculated by adding up the product of the mid-point of a range and its probability across all the five ranges.
10. We have back-populated merged funds for L&T/HSBC and Baroda/BNP AMCs so that the current funds show a complete history – especially useful for running portfolio analytics. Please do let us know if you find any others that require updating.
11. Some Apple computers may not respond to a change in the column view for the Funds->screener. We have added an apply button which can be used in case you face this issue.