· We have expanded our index list to 141 indices which also include the Nifty Alpha and Nifty Volatility indices. You can access these indices in the Compare section. We will soon be adding these to the benchmark selection for individual analytics screens.
· We have added standard disclosures to all Portfolio PowerPoint downloads as a final page in the presentation.
· We have now expanded our portfolio analytics capabilities to run backtests of more than 70 funds (this was the hard limit until now). You can now run portfolios with hundreds of holdings. Please note that you might have to wait for the result and also be aware that having lots of holdings also increases the changes of getting an overlapping error – i.e. your holdings must have some period where historical data was available for all of them – without this, the backtest cannot run. If you do come across the overlapping error, please refer the to the Start/End Dates link on the top right to see which securities might be causing the issue – it is usually caused by securities that are no longer valid.
· We have a button that takes any portfolio in the Clients sections directly to the Compare section in one click – please use the compare icon provided for any client that you load in the Clients section.
· The Statement Analyser has been upgraded to be able to read statements which have more than 100 holdings (stocks + funds).
· You can now load any portfolio from the Statement Analyser directly into the Manual Data tab in the Clients section. Please use the menu item provided in the top navigation bar once you are in the Manual Data tab.
· You now have an option to download an Excel file with all holdings of any client in the Clients section – please use the Excel icon provided.
· Some issues with Client Mobile link Text messages have now been fixed. You can go ahead and try to create client mobile links and send them to your clients.
· The Portfolio Compare section now shows only the top 10 sector allocations – to avoided crowding the chart.
· Some display issues with the Market Wrap PDF have now been fixed.
· The Twitter updates popup inside the application was not showing a close button – this has been fixed.